Sunday, May 18, 2008

Grab a Wrench!

Justin has been asking for over a year for us to take off his training wheeles. But I couldn't really help him when I has prego with the twins, so i told him to wait. And he did. He asked again after they were born and I told him we would soon. Well summer came and there wasn't much bike riding going on (lots of swimming though). So this winter, as we got back into bike riding, he went and got a wrench (the right size and everything) and took his own training off! After running next to him a couple of times he turned to me and said "thanks mom, I got it" and he did. We went riding every morning and after two days he could get going really well. By the end of the week he was passing around us and off roading. The morale to this story is "patience is a virture but if you take to long I will do it myself!"

(I was practicing panning in the first pic and that was my best one except Alexa got in the shot, but I think I still like it anyway!)


Dizzy Kate said...

Yay for Justin! We took Kendra's training wheels off, but kept putting off teaching her. She ended up teaching herself. I can't believe everything they are learning. Your twins were so fun during R.S. today. I love their jabber. They are darling.

Natalie said...

Noah is the one who keeps asking me to take the training wheels off the bike, and it's Zachary's bike!

I can't believe he took them off himself! That's so funny! What a big kid!

Katie and Aaron said...

That is to funny! He's smart, I don't think I could've figured that out at his age! I'll for sure let you know what I'm having!! It's not for another 3 weeks so I have to be patient but I'm Dying to know!!!

Tilleea said...

What a smartie!I guess sometimes you just can't wait any longer. :)