Their Birthday dinner was Mexican (their favorite) and John made a Cheesecake which they had fun blowing out and eating the strawberries off the top and a few bites. Plus I made some flan and the ate so of that too! SO dOuBle the the desserts for the twins!
Well the two turned Two! Tyson and Chelsie turned 2 or Feb 1st! They are getting so big and mind's of their own which I am not sure I like! Chelsie and Tyson double team me all day long. Chelsie is talking (a little to well) and Tyson can do enough to let me know what he wants. They are so sweet and so crazy at the same time! I I love them so much and it has truely been an amazing experience to see them grow together and see even little babies become friends. We love that you both are part of our crazy family!
A few random things about Tyson
*he loves to ride bikes
*he loves cars (but wants them to stick together so i have tied a lot of them together with string)
*he is a pretty good sharer and will try to give Chelsie a toy when she wants what he has, and he shares his food and drinks with her
*he makes sound effects for the cars he drives. (so boy)
*he loves the park- especially the swings
*he has the funniest laugh
*he is a momma's boy and is always on my lap
*he is a sweet mellow little guy
*she is a feisty little thing and wants what she wants or throws a bit of a tantrum
*she loves shoes (especially Alexa's)
*she loves dresses (she even has a dress-up dress) and getting her hair done
*she brushed my hair with a brush she got for christmas and she is really good at it
* she loves baby dolls and barbies (already?)
*she loves to give hugs and kisses but if you don't watch out sometimes she gives licks (and totally cracks up)
*she has the funniest belly laugh on such a little girl
*she loves having books read to her (the same one over and over)
Happy Birthday Tyson and Chelsie. (here's hoping we make it through another year! Especially this one when I have 2 two-year-olds!)
Yay for the twins! I can't believe how big they are getting. So cute. What did they get for their birthday?
Chelsie got a vacuum (why is it spelled like that??!!) and Tyson got a shopping cart. Weird I know but Tyson loves anything he can push around, he loves it! They both do. They both like the pink vacuum too!
Happy Birthdays! Those desserts look divine.
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