Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I'll cry if I want to!

Okay so this might not be funny to anyone else but I thought it was hilarious! Tyson and Chelsie looked so cute so I tried to take their picture... but it was way to close to nap time so they cried the entire time. I snaped the pics anyway and found myself completely laughing by the end. It took me back to when they were first born and they would cry at the same time and it would sound like two sirens just off in their timing- making continuous noise. Their cry had two different pitches and Chelsies' had a squeak at the top- it always made me laugh (well for a few minutes anyway)! I just love the pic of them looking at eachother and crying. Then Chelsie became quite interested in Tysons hair. And finally at the end she gave me a BIG smile for the camera!


Nettie said...

These are so funny. I can just see you sitting across from them, with a camera in your hand, laughing while they are wailing. I can't believe how big they are. They're darling.

Tilleea said...

These pictures are so dang cute. I especially LOVE the last one! What cute kids.

Terin said...

How funny are those pictures. It is so funny to me that Tyson looks like John and Chelsi looks like you. Way too cute.

Vickie said...

How adorable! When did they get so big!?! I swear they were still tiny babies the last time I saw them a couple weeks ago.

Victor and Annette said...

I love it... Oh the memories that pictures will bring in later years.

Natalie said...

These are so sweet! I particularly love the last photo - how cute is that?!

Dizzy Kate said...

They are sooo cute. You are wonderful with them. What a super mom!

My blog will be private soon and I'm just trying to get everyone's email addresses to invite them to my blog. I don't know if I have your email address, so if you wouldn't mind sending it to my email address that would be great! ktjulene@yahoo.com